Rockstar Games reportedly wants to turn GTA VI into a big creator platform, with content creators making user-generated content for the upcoming title. This new UGC content would have a “Fortnite/Roblox-style” feel to it that would allow creators to modify ...

GTA VI is supposed to be launching on consoles only this year, with the likelihood that a PC release date could be a long while afterward, unless a new rumor about the release window ends up being accurate. As of ...

GTA VI is poised to be one of this year’s biggest games, perhaps its biggest game, and it’s the kind of game that would drive sales of consoles. That shouldn’t be surprising. GTA V was a huge success and its ...

GTA VI was first announced back in December of 2023, and at the time Rockstar said in the game’s trailer that it would release in 2025. Since then, there hasn’t been much talk about the game’s launch, although there have ...

A recent rumor from this week claimed to know the release date of the upcoming GTA VI, though it seems the release date was nothing more than a joke that got out of hand. On January 29, a video game ...