Google Celebrates The Year Of The Snake With Lunar New Year Doodle

Google Celebrates The Year Of The Snake With Lunar New Year Doodle
google doodle lunar new year


  • Lunar New Year is nearly here, with January 29 ushering in the Year of the Snake.
  • Google is ready to celebrate with an appropriately snake-ified Doodle.
  • In addition to the main Lunar New Year Doodle, Google’s also got a special edition for South Korea.

With February creeping up on us quickly, the fireworks, toasts, and celebration of New Year’s already feel like a distant memory to many of us. But for a whole lot of other people, the party’s only just getting started, with Lunar New Year kicking off this week. Now Google’s ready to get these annual festivities going in style with its latest Doodle.

2025 is the Year of the Snake on the Chinese zodiac, and begins tomorrow, January 29. While Chinese New Year is probably the most familiar celebration, the practice has spread all across Asia, with other nations and ethnicities offering their own spin on Lunar New Year merrymaking — a practice that’s been going on for over 3,000 years. No matter where you’re celebrating, though, you can expect some excellent food, lots of people wishing you good luck, and fireworks galore.

google doodle lunar new year korea

Google users can look for this Doodle in markets all over the world — not just in Asia, but also Europe and the Americas, reflecting the size of the diaspora celebrating Lunar New Year. The company has even cooked up a special version of the Doodle just for South Korea. Be on the lookout for that friendly snake as you run your own Lunar New Year searches.

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Doodles are so ubiquitous at this point that it’s easy to take them for granted, so we appreciate it when Google takes the time to stop and share its latest creations, while also reflecting a little on the inspirations behind them. Just about a month back, Google took advantage of a Doodle to reflect on the highlights of the past year of searches. Maybe our favorites, though, are the interactive Doodles, offering a little distraction in the middle of our day in the form of a quick game.

What’s been your favorite recent Google Doodle? Share some highlights with us in the comments below.

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