Back in 2023, Qualcomm launched the Snapdragon X Elite chipset. This is an Arm-based chipset that was designed to go toe-to-toe with the likes of Apple Silicon. It would also provide computer makers an alternative to Intel’s CPUs. Now Intel ...

The last few weeks have been crucial for ByteDance, TikTok’s parent company, in its attempt to prevent—or delay—the US ban of the short video platform. Following the appeals court’s rejection of the request for an emergency pause in the implementation ...

If you’re always struggling to find extra storage for stuff on your PC, Seagate looks to have what could be the ultimate answer with its new Exos M – a 32TB HDD that provides huge storage capacity. This new HDD ...

LG has announced its new QNED Evo lineup of TVs for 2025, and there are some truly exciting improvements to look forward to. These enhancements do everything from boosting color with proprietary wide color gamut tech to bringing wireless 4K ...

In the audio industry, size really doesn’t matter. Sure, for a massive sound, you often need a massive speaker. However, there are compact speakers on the market that can still produce audio as rich and powerful as much larger models. ...

Google’s commitment to AI-powered services as a key part of its business continues to bear fruit. The company has announced Google Whisk as an image generator, but different from other similar products. Google Whisk allows you to generate images using ...