Campouts For The NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5090 Have Begun

Campouts have already begun for the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5090 GPU, as people appear to be lined up in tents ready to plunk down thousands of dollars for NVIDIA‘s next powerhouse graphics card. This kind of thing is really nothing new when it comes to items that are likely to be limited in quantity. While the RTX 5090 won’t be a limited stock item forever, it’s bound to start as one. And some consumers want to be ready so they’re the first in line to get it.

According to a Reddit thread for Micro Center, campers have started showing up outside a local store. As reported by IGN, the store in the Reddit thread is located in Tustin, California. Micro Center has also reportedly tried to discourage people from camping outside the store due to “cold January weather,” but that doesn’t appear to have convinced some consumers to heed the warning.

While at least one camper at the front of the line has stated that this purchase is to be for personal use, some in the comments think that at least some consumers camping out may be scalpers. It’s understandable why this would be a suspicion, especially after how notoriously hard it was to get a hold of NVIDIA’s top GPU over the past two generations. A big reason for that was scalpers. On the other side of things, it’s understandable why people would go to such lengths to get this new GPU. As they want to avoid paying scalper prices.

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RTX 5090 campouts are likely to pop up elsewhere

Since this is generally a common occurrence with every new GPU generation, expect these to pop up more and more. Micro Center is but one of a few retailers with local stores that will be carrying the new GPUs. Consumers shouldn’t be surprised if these sorts of campouts pop up in front of their local Best Buy. The good news, for Micro Center shoppers at least, is that there will be rules in place.

If you’re buying locally, GPU purchases will be limited to one per customer. So you won’t find one person coming in and buying several GPUs just to sell them all off at much higher prices. That of course, doesn’t stop people from bringing in friends to make those extra purchases.

Purchases are being handled with a voucher system

Micro Center has confirmed purchases will be available on a voucher system. On top of that, customers won’t be able to pick their GPU model.

Vouchers are given out to customers in line on a first-come-first-served basis. So there is a possibility that vouchers run out at some point. The voucher also ONLY guarantees the ability to buy a GPU. It does not guarantee which model or manufacturer you will get. Essentially, you will get a randomized lottery pick. So you might end up with an RTX 5090 voucher from the manufacturer you’re aiming for. You might end up with a voucher for the RTX 5080 from a completely different manufacturer.

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In short, Micro Center customers should plan for the RTX 5090 and the RTX 5080. Because there’s no telling what voucher you’ll get. Micro Center also advises customers to show up early. Just not to camp out for the next two days. NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX 5090 and RTX 5080 GPUs will be launching on January 30. The less powerful but more affordable RTX 5070 won’t be launching till a bit later. Alternatively, you can also try your hand at buying one of the RTX 5090 GPUs online.